
Employee Benefit Trust Funds
Payment Survey

Delinquent payments are often a serious problem for pension and other trust funds in the construction industry.  The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the scale of the delinquent payment problem and the costs that result from delinquency.  

This survey is sponsored by Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO).  PPO is an alliance of contractor associations, unions, suppliers, general contractors, pension trust funds, and others who have an interest is seeing prompt payment legislation enacted in Ontario.  PPO's sole purpose is to persuade the Ontario government that delinquent payment is a growing problem in the construction industry and that legislation is needed to ensure that money flows through the contractor supply chain, as it is intended to.  Prompt payment statutes are now the norm in the United States and the European Union. 

You can find additional information on PPO at:

Thank you for the time that you will be investing in completing this survey.  The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to finish. If there are questions which you regard as confidential, for which you do not have information or cannot make an estimate, please feel free to skip those questions.

All responses will be treated as confidential. The survey results will only be reported in aggregate for all respondents. Individual respondents will not be identifiable.  We will send you a copy of the survey report.

Repondent Profile
Name of Trust Fund(s):
Contact (Email Address):